Goals: we all plan to travel more (internationally), which is part of our team model. Get out of our houses. Stay healthy. We want to continue building our business with fantastic clients.

Our Hopes and Goals for 2022

The arrival of a new year never ceases to amaze! 2021 was such a whirlwind! As we get settled into another January, our little family here at Team Northstar is happy and grateful for the opportunity to look ahead at our goals for 2022. 

We have established our team model with the intention of giving ourselves the care and flexibility we need and want so we can put our best foot forward when serving our clients. We are heading into this year with a definite goal of staying healthy both physically and mentally, so we can put our best selves forward professionally. 

Part of that self care for us means more travel! We love Durango and our family, friends and community here, but part of that love means having a perfect place to come home to after a grand adventure. We are all looking forward to getting back out into the world this year, travelling abroad and returning home to our favorite place with new memories and stories to share. 

And, while we are excited for our own goals, we are also looking forward to the opportunity to help our clients meet their goals this year too! We plan to make 2022 a year of growth. We can’t wait to get to know the fantastic new people we’ll meet this year, and to staying connected with our wonderful network of existing clients. 

This is such a fun season, dreaming and looking ahead with hope and renewed enthusiasm for all that the new year brings.